We all know that graduates of our top ranked Universities are overwhelmingly “liberal” and strongly opposed to Trump and his agenda. How were they so blind as to not recognize that the majority of the country felt that the Dems were committed to a crazy agenda?
…and were screaming from the fucking rooftops.
Unfortunately the smartest people were far outnumbered by the dumbest people.
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And the "elites" are still in denial about this.
Legacy Media which has, and upholds standards of journalism..which includes having multiple, reputable sources of information....instead they get their news from outlets like FOX that knowingly lies to them...even paying $787M to continue doing it...and many other similar Conservative podcasts who parrot the same misinformation content....The Result...a Convicted Felon, Proven Rapist, Fraud who sides with an enemy who is actively trying to destroy our hard fought democracy. ..which we are currently witnessing.
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after he almost tanked the country in his last go round. It’s not like everyone didn’t know he was not fit to be POTUS.
Which is unpredictable. For this you need to read Hayek's spontaneous order in social science and chaos theory in science. This is why we conservatives against central control or fully planning...these liberal and socialists idea. Because you really don't know future, you really don't know unintended consequences.
Trump is unintended consequence.
Take Frank. He is a lifetime Republican. But, he’s not blind. He recognized the clear and present danger in Trump and MAGA, and voted for Kamala. Stated differently, Frank wasn’t exactly Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs voting for Kamala, but it was a no brainer given the alternative.
My view is that Biden was a highly effective President notwithstanding his elderly moments and optics. Biden understood government, he understood the importance of placing experienced and talented folks in the cabinet, and he understood how Congress works. His legislative achievements are second to none since LBJ. Most importantly, Biden understood the importance of our nation’s standing in the world and the leadership obligations required with that mantle.
Democrats know how to govern. Not so great at messaging.
You voted for Trump. That was your choice. That’s on you. Own it.
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intelligenstia who believe they know what's best for everyone at all times. The fact you believe Biden was a quality president because of the complete trash he put in office discredits you. Democrats always put the US in a worse position on the world stage, because they live in a fantasy land where all demographics sing kumbaya globally while our enemies laugh at us while building their war machines.
Maher: "Losers, look in the mirror."
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know is right for everyone.
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of winning this time which I said here. Predicted Biden would win which he did in 20. 2016 is the only one that took me by surprise.
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