He keeps claiming he inherited a mess from the previous administration. That eggs are going down in price. That he has brought interest rates down.
When Joe Biden said nonsense, like the inflation rate was already super high when he took off that was bullshit and we all knew it. It wasn’t personally his fault, but he told a lie. Why does MAGA enjoy being lied to?
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Fair enough...if you had given an answer back then.
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Regarding inflation, remember when Biden lied about inheriting 9% inflation?
Remember Biden was running the country? His son, etc.
I asked numerous times if you guys liked being lied to. I don't recall you answering.
I don't consider myself a "MAGA voter," so I do usually feel free to ignore questions directed to MAGA. To answer your question, I don't enjoyed being lied to..not when the Dems were gaslighting the nation, or any other time. But then, I always knew I was selecting the least imperfect choice of two choices. I don't love Trump no matter what. I just like it when he does good things for the country. Most of what he is doing is good.
do you have "Schizophrenia" issues"?...or are you just being Disingenuous on purpose?...I'll opt for the later.
While I've got your attention, here's another copy attached of "Why I am not a Libertarian"...thought you might find it "Enlightening"...I especially draw your attention to the concluding segment. I also suspect that your Libertarian idealism is responsible for your misguided views and posts.
The libertarian delusion: A society of free-wheeling, self-reliant individuals
As noted earlier, individuals can only maximize their opportunities — and thus their freedom — in communities. However, contrary to a central assumption of libertarianism, we are not individuals who choose to live in communities only out of self-interest. Rather, we are fundamentally interdependent social animals, whose identity as self-responsible citizens depends upon, and is only possible because of, community. At every stage of both our personal history, and our collective evolutionary history, we are thoroughly dependent upon family, community, and society. Only at one unique stage in our lives, and only recently in our history, does our social dependence seem less obvious — when we are young and healthy and have enough resources at our disposal to strike out on our own. Libertarians would take this short moment of (illusory) independence and design a political system around it.
But we are interdependent social animals who identify with families and social groups, feel loyalty to and make sacrifices for those groups, prefer to live and work in groups rather than alone, seek the approval and respect of others, and naturally feel empathy toward others, all of which override simple calculations of self-interest. In fact, human activity has little to do with a rational calculation of self-interest at all. The decisions and actions of normal humans are always filtered through emotional and social considerations.
Recognizing the essential importance of social institutions and communities means that politics must remain a complex and frustrating trade-off between personal rights, personal obligations, and community needs. It can never be as simplistic and one-dimensional as the libertarian would have it. That is why I am no longer a libertarian.
Your comments are welcome...
Link: https://publicseminar.org/2016/11/why-i-am-not-a-libertarian/
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Why are you so emotional and butt-hurt about this?
(I suppose I should say I've been ignoring you until very recently. Now I remember why.)
My position on tax cuts and deficit/debt is simple, and stated many times before here in the Open. (I don't know about "the" tax cuts you are talking about...got a link?), but I can answer generally:
Our current debt and deficit spending are existential threats to the Republic. They were under administrations of both parties, so my position is neither left nor right, just fiscally conservative. Do you agree with me? I guess I'll have to call you a weasel if you won't answer.
There are two ways to handle this: tax increases and spending cuts. I'm willing to do both. Are you, weasel?
But, massive spending cuts must come first (before tax increases), for the government to show good faith that any additional taxes will pay down the debt...that it can be a good steward of the extra revenue. Up until now, additional taxes have just resulted in more spending, which means the government will just spend additional money without addressing the existential debt threat.
If the government cannot show it is serious in addressing that threat, then they should just leave the money in the hands of the people so that we can each prepare for the coming debt apocalypse in our own way...take care of our own, since the government will not take care of all. If the government isn't serious, I am, so reduce my taxes until the government can cut spending.
It remains to be seen if DOGE will be able to cut spending. Your side opposes addressing the debt, and is fighting tooth and nail to keep spending at existential threat levels. If you fail, and Trump succeeds in cutting spending, I will consider supporting higher taxes.
What say you?
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The ACA had a funding issue because people bitched and moaned about not paying up for not carrying insurance. Yet I'm sure those same people went to the ER when they got hurt....
Already covered the inheriting 9% inflation, keep up.
Not quite sure about the Hunter running the country comment. You don't consider yourself MAGA but propagate false conspiracy theories like they do, which equals MAGA.
Never said Hunter ran the country, but now that you bring it up, I suspect he played a role. Who do you think ran the country due to Biden's dementia?
Re ACA, do you remember the author of the bill saying he relied on the stupidity of the American voter? He was talking about his supporters...you. He figured you enjoyed being lied to, and wouldn't punish the Dems for it.
The Russia stuff (dossier, Hunter's laptop being Russia disinfo) has all been debunked. Did you enjoy being lied to about that?
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bucks a dozen in California and New York?
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you’ve promoted him again and he’s wasted no time destabilizing the planet.
Well done knucklehead.
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care for the prior administration but I wasn’t posting on here daily crying about it.
is not a way to make decisions in the highest offices of government.
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Lather rinse repeat.
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You moronic cuck.
Link: https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/eggs-us
Jackass, douchebag.
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You always manage to exceed my expectations. Are you really quibbling about a self-reported retail price...a mere 30 cents from yesterday's average WHOLESALE price... And a long distance from the garbage you posted before editing your stupid post in abject shame???
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did it?
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