Wondering what the full carbon footprint will be for the COP30 summit.
Nobody is gullible enough to think "we" actually care about climate change, right?
Link: https://www.yahoo.com/news/amazon-forest-felled-build-road-060236163.html
It's the SUN, baby. Man has so little to do with it. Ask the First Ice Age.
But govt. can funnel money to friends to make things "green"
But if we're having a summit on climate change, from which no solutions will happen, you're good with it.
"Perfect is the enemy of good is an aphorism that means insistence on perfection often prevents implementation of good improvements. Achieving absolute perfection may be impossible; one should not let the struggle for perfection stand in the way of appreciating or executing on something that is imperfect but still of value."
As we proceed through this Transition, we'll still be flying Fossil Fuel Burning Jet Planes, and cutting down trees for houses and roads, as we bring on Heat and Power Sources like Nuclear and Renewables...that will also in turn power the creation of Hydrogen products that don't produce CO2...take some time to look toward the future your kids and grandkids will be living in.
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perfect_is_the_enemy_of_good
You're arguing that we can't make an omelet without cracking a few eggs, I'm asking where's the omelet.
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the link for how much CO2 a Fossil Fuel Plant puts into the atmosphere...
Not sure you could pass a kindergarten quiz on which thing is bigger than another ;-)
And people wonder why we have Trump in office...
Link: https://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.php?id=74&t=11
Or, they could have chosen to have it virtually which would have saved on emissions.
Link to all of the private jets for COP29.
Link: https://www.euronews.com/green/2024/11/15/did-people-have-to-fly-to-cop29-private-jet-use-soared-but-one-group-got-to-baku-overland
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Do you really think the climate hasn't changed?
Why has the Earth been warming recently?...and by "recently," I mean the last 18,000 years, since well before man started doing anything...before there were 10 million humans on earth...some estimate far fewer, possibly 1 million or less.
The oceans have been rising all that time. England & Ireland were "recently" part of mainland Europe, and Alaska was a part of Asia (the "land bridge" was a thousand miles wide. Again, all of that before an industry by man.
This is well settled historical science.
The sun didn't suddenly start up, but the tilt and changing orbit might have been a factor in how the sun's energy affected Earth. Ice cores show that the earth's climate has never been in a steady state.
...Ice Ages and Thaws took place within the CO2 atmospheric concentrations of 180 - 300 ppm...within the last ~150 yrs we're now over 425 ppm...and rising rapidly...plus, it takes generations for the CO2 to come out of the atmosphere acidifying oceans...etc, etc.
Link: https://www.climate.gov/news-features/understanding-climate/climate-change-atmospheric-carbon-dioxide
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can find the roadway when looking at all of Brazil. The world is in a Transition from Fossil Fuels for Heat and Power, to Nuclear Power and Renewable Energy Sources. You haven't even accepted Climate Change and you worry about an 8 mile roadway in the forest...basically, you have no sense of proportion...or understanding of physics.
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