Not Treasure Island or a Wrinkle in Time. Of course not. It's a book about mentally ill people like him who pretend to be women and how great it is.
Fascinating how these people crave an audience with children and the left supports it.
…you have yet to start facing reality.
And craves an audience with children. You are a sick pervert who cheers this on.
Please keep fighting against science and common sense. Common sense voters will continue to vote against you.
I’ve provided papers explaining this but you don’t want to see material that counters your position….hope you don’t act like this at work.
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with all sorts of mental issues…successfully…as with Rep. McBride.
If you don’t seek help for your hangups, you’re never going to improve.
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Medical Schools and Residencies/Fellowships (like the Mayo Clinic, UCLA, UCSF, Boston Children's Hospital...etc.)...have to say about Gender's likely causes, diagnoses, treatment protocols...and results. Whatever you're saying to're saying to them. btw, given the relatively small numbers of GD patients, those professionals treat a wide variety of mental issues...most of which no one ever talks about.
You're a pervert who misrepresents and misquotes. Don't have a nice weekend.
bring up...I am indeed the messenger. Trying to reduce this to a personal conflict is disingenuous...and proven by your refusal to ever deal with the statements and findings within those's all about the studies, findings and professional opinions in those documents, written by professionals. We're still waiting for your contributions that contain substantive backup documentation...that's how adults debate issues. It's not too late to start, Jake.
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