to combat COVID 19?
I mean it’s obvious, vaccination just hasn’t been studied enough. The others are much safer and better choices.
out when it comes to rejecting the vaccines...very interesting...and they need to be taken at face value if we are to help them as well as the rest of us.
Thank you, vaccine mandate. You brought once divided people in this country together again.
I just wish I could help them feel more comfortable.
As I see it the risks are less than driving on the freeway every day.
The current vaccines, say Pfizer's, had 44,000 people in their clinical trial. None of them had delta or lambda variant then. Why should we take a vaccine not tested on current covid variants? Most of our early why still remains valid.
But we both are mask advocates and heavy VD (D3) takers. My wife started to take it 4 year ago, and I since last June. Our kid was forced to get vaccinated. My wife's 2 sisters are not vaccinated (one has some condition). Her brother got vaccinated.
I got it based upon numbers and my family asking me to do so since a LOT....LOTS are in medical field.
I did not get it based upon Science because that has become the NEW...go to verbiage that makes you smart....effing bs.
The numbers say it helps so do it. The numbers say it HELPS....that's it ...not a cure that lots on this board believe it is not.
It’s not a complete panacea but it helps a lot.
Exceptions are really old folks with co-morbidities. PLUS, if you get CoVID after being vaccinated you develop super immunity.
So when yah don’t get it but COVID instead, take dewormer that the FDA tells you NOT to take.
and Laura egging them on for ratings and dollars.
For many, they would also have to surrender their “own the libs” card to think of such a travesty. Others are just dumb asses.
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Does that make him healthy?
with a certain element.
Of course many on the right were concerned that the vaccine wasn’t fully FDA approved?
What does the FDA say about this wonder drug being used for COVID?
Now of course, I guess you can’t fully discount these idjits being full of more worms than the normal person.
And none of it was "animal dewormer".
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I mean, even if you're going to use the "horse dewormer" bullshit, shouldn't it be at least noted that he recovered in about a day? Rogan isn't calling "horse dewormer" a miracle drug or anything, it's just one of the "kitchen sink" of treatments he did. Impossible to know what helped and to what degree, but the story should be "Joe Rogan got CoVid and recovered very quickly"
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He didn't buy it at farm and fleet like some morons are doing.
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Pull up your skirt, your ignorance is showing.
Rogan is what a dumb guy thinks is a smart guy.
Ya know, cause then we could know if it is or isn't helpful. At worse, it doesn't hurt in reasonable doses used on humans for things like river blindness in Africa.
Rogan's an interesting dude, who interviews really smart people from time to time. The type of people that don't like Rogan hate the free exchange of ideas generally. They hate it, because it threatens them, because they don't have the chops to debate in such an arena.
in spades when you tried to post coherently on the football board. Wrong again
worms. From what I can see Joe doesn’t have any hair to have lice up there. Maybe he’s full of worms? Seems possible. If not given the FDA position on use of the drug for COVID, methinks perhaps his doctor may be Killshot.
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Seriously though this prescribed by a doctor nonsense is just that with all of the quacks with prescription pads. They know much more than the FDA.
Of course not.
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I guess "Zombies" really are walking among us.
My guess is they don’t dare poke fun of our senile old President.
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outlets that reinforce the dumb fuckery that make it even harder.
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