Kinda purges the mind of media fear porn.
Now we have to hear the dads screaming , yelling, and coaching their Heisman trophy sons from the stands along with the "suggestions" aimed at the refs and coaches. "My son isn't getting enough touches". LOL. Those dudes should be required to wear double masks.
change as local COVID data fluctuates...nonetheless, a vision of what we're all looking forward to.
Nobody wears a mask.
Science, you understand.
You won't be seated unless you wear a mask for 7 seconds in a crowded restaurant.
……that wearing the mask to you table would matter when you take it off when you get there. That perfect spacing would matter with common waiters to each table and a common kitchen, chef, and busboys in the back.
If they are really worried about this…don’t go out.
All Libs should stop going out. But they won’t make such a sacrifice themselves for their own bullshit.
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Here's some more U.K. COVID info...
Maybe it's just an amazing masks...yet surging COVID cases and never know.
If the next pandemic has the visual manifestations of Smallpox or Ebola, I guarantee that there will be lines around the block for vaccines...let's hope it never comes to that, but in the meantime, let's try to learn a lesson or two about how to respond...yes, I'm talking masks and social distancing.
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be over in 2021. I would never wear a mask at a football game by the way. Purdue game was packed.
Almost no one masked.
Too many people know from personal experience the very tiny people who are vulnerable. They should be vaccinated and that is the end of the story,
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But Biden is leading by example so we got that going for us.
They all go to parties and games without masks and mock the mask wearing at school.
I'm not even sure what to say, except I don't ever want this!
Link: What the wha.....???