I hope he dies a horrible death. Maybe one of the most destructive Americans to influence our country. And I voted for the asshole.
Yeah I know Domer and everyone else that I was gone. But I’m outraged by Trump’s comments and those that defend him.
Whinny Bitch
Goodbye until the next time.
If there'd been only a couple he would have been so far behind he never would have run.
Nonetheless, there were only two reasons I was not displeased that he won: Hillary and the Supremes.
Today, I am content with the achievements of his administration but dread another term.
Sadly, there is no Republican with the balls to challenge him.
My dad has said all along about Trump, you can’t run a country the same way that you run a business.
Although, I’m not sure how successful he was with the whole business thing/bankruptcy.
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and don't seem to care about what is happening in our country right now need their priorities checked.
I voted for Cruz in the 2016 primary as he had the best chance to beat Orange.
The real question is whether you vote for psycho liar if he’s the nominee. There will likely be enough base nutties to give him the nomination and DiSantis may not even run against him although I hope he does.
he took office, the unqualified communists that he's nominated, the fact that DC does not care about, and in fact, welcomes inflation to pay back its bills (while taxing the lower to middle class), and the fact that Biden is a vegetable who will very likely stumble us into a war. All these things matter. Not Trump.
I’ve made my position on Joe quite clear from jump street. He was the only D who could have beaten your dear leader who was his own full stop dumpster fire while in office and a threat to the Republic. I also said he was past his prime and will do things I don’t like. I would vote for him again given the two choices and if you think this nation would be better right now under the stewardship of the other choice you are a nutty.
The real issue is where do we go from here. I don’t automatically reject DiSantis or other conservatives although I would like a more moderate option. If the D’s nominate Kamala, Bernie or another far leftie, I may vote for him. I voted for both Cruz and Hills in 2016 given the other disasterous choice. You guys need to get your shit together and make clear Orange can’t be your nominee again. If it’s Ron so be it, he’s a choice I would consider. Never the riot instigator, coup enthusiast, perpetual liar, threat to the Republc.
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You should handle this the way I do: Don't read what Trump says. Then you don't have to worry about it. For example, I still don't know what Trump said that upset you. And, I am a happier person because of that. You admitted that whatever Trump said doesn't change how you would've voted, so why torture yourself? Let the Trump haters listen to Trump. I don't listen to him.
He tried to defend our borders much to the dismay of Ds and Rs. Those rioters, looters, murderers, and arsonists sure weren't Trumpsters. He sanctioned Russia something like 8 times. He wasn't taking it from China. Gas and food prices were really good. Black and Brown unemployment was tremendous. Shall I go on? Whatever he said has ruffled the feathers of the squeamish apparently. I don't even know what has people riled up this time. Why are these same offended by DJT not super maxed out by oldJoe? Who's the alternative to DJT? Let DJT be DJT as long as the country is safe, law enforcement has our back, Russia, China, and NK know their place in the pecking order, we can afford to buy gas to get our less expensive groceries, and the border walls are doing their job.
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And for the record, I didn’t vote for him.
Good on you for coming to grips with your mistake and welcome back to the open.
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one. You’ll defend Trump on the Open until the cows come home but Kelly could shit in your mouth and you would say it’s pudding.
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Poor statesmanship, mean tweets, and undignified discourse?
Or the execution of 8-month-old viable children, $29 trillion in debt, a government that wants to crush society as a back door into communism, a border that was left willfully open that has created a humanitarian crisis, a self-inflicted supply chain disaster, and a movement that wants to leave violent, dangerous people on the streets?
I don't love Trump. But I despise these demons on the left, who need to be put back with the lunatic fringe of society.
Problems at the border his entire term. Remember the caravans and cages? Who did zero to get any immigration deal done to keep a red meat issue for his base?
The supply chain disaster, yeah that’s really Biden’s fault.
Violent and dangerous people on the street? Who was leading the charge on on CJ reform that the libs have been pushing for years? Who sicced a mob on the Capitol? Who is still lying about a stolen election?
So full of shit.
He is both horrible at governance and even worse as a person.
job regarding the debt, and set the table for a balanced budget.
Then far right nutters made the election of Clinton possible, and he took a bow for the resulting surplus.
can justify multi million and billion dollar annual earnings is appalling. And I’m a conservative Republican and business owner. It’s absolute greed and sinful. Sending fucking rockets up for millionaires and paying employees $15 per hour even pisses me off.
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Then reconsider your original question.
The left is now filled with evil people. They do not belong in positions of power.
president in my lifetime. He didn’t have to be an ssshole to push his agenda and look what he accomplished. Trump is a bomb thrower. He gets followers but leaves wreckage in his path.
But I fully understand how the Dems are trying to bankrupt our country but I’m hoping for someone else to lead the charge in ‘24.
I vote trump - not even close.
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narcissistic authoritarian on the nation and I’ll just not listen when he spreads his divisive lies and hate so then my conscience is somehow cleaner.
Such a beauty you are Ostrich head.
And, if you cannot separate policy actions from the person who effects them...if that constitutes a "shuffle" for you, then you are beyond redemption. You can't legitimately vote for anyone with that simplistic approach...and yet, you vote for the likes of the Left, who are pushing in the direction you say you fear. You've lost touch with reality.
But, whatever floats your boat.
who is completely unfit for office, and who divides the nation for his own gain. This is aside from the many deficiencies of his isolationist, protectionist, xenophobic policies. You made your Faustian choice Neddie and are trying to rationalize it and project that he’s
fine other than sending mean tweets. Why you are and always will be the ultimate shuffler ready to rationalize any means so long as your perceived goal is advanced. Your dear leader himself has recognized your type in his own comments.
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It fits, well.
Be happy instead. Otherwise, your posts sound like his, and I think you know how his sound.
overturn a lawful election, pressured Pence and sicced a mob on the Capitol to try to do it.
So he invents the concept that the only thing bad about his dear leader is he sends “mean tweets”. Which of course is complete BS but it makes the Ostrich Head feel better.
back the senate and house. It’s all about him. He’s destructive to our cause.
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about him. Remember when we were young and our teachers or nuns or parents said, “If you can’t say something nice don’t say anything at all”
Well this asshole goes out of his way to trash people that won’t kiss his ass. Shows me what a weak insecure little man he is and makes me regret yet again that I voted for the turd.
in the military because he was in the military?
of defending ND’s high standards. No he can’t win a NC multiple times but after 12 years, this team is not up to standard.
On the other hand Colin Powell was in battle. Commanded our young men in many wars was the Chief of Staff, Secretary of State who served his country honorably. His entire life.
So if it was Kelly who died and Trump said he was a loser could never win the big game and shouldn’t have been hired. I would still say Trump is an asshole for dumping on Kelly.
So I’m very clear.
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ebrate his life, he was responsible for negatives, as well. I don’t think anyone who served the country should get a free pass just because he/she served the country. And I’ve never thought someone should get a free pass just because he/she is dead.
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Still he did serve his country. Something Trump didn’t do. What does Trump gain from dumping on him. Pure pettiness. Which is his insecurity.
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is as old and weak as Tyrone's without all the BS links
Your continued support of him makes you ignorant. Thank God you never met Jim Jones. You would have drank the koolaid
queen. Have a drink, take yr meds. Quit crying over everything. You sound like a puss
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