Undocumented immigrants. They are breaking the law by not requiring proper documentation. This is like busting the prostitutes and not the Johns. Stop illegal immigration by severely fining employers or make them face jail time. Let’s start with the so called President’s companies / golf courses.
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the federal H2A program, which brings temporary workers into the US for a specified amount of time, after which they return to their country of origin.
Anyone who wants a visa to work here can typically get one. Whether that is a professional (H1-B), farm worker (H-2A), seasonal resort worker (H2-B), Exchange worker like an Au Pair (J), professional from Canada/Mexico (TN), Athlete (O), investor (E), etc. Although there is a process to go through, just about anyone who wants to work in the U.S. can do so.
Issues arise when a Visa is over stayed.
To prevent people from overstaying their visa.
Management can spend up to six months in jail. Fines are $400 to $16,000 per employee depending on the circumstances.
Any criminal prosecution of the employers comes months/years after the employee detentions. (Typically need to establish the employer knowingly hired aliens without work authorization, and that requires more time/work.)
See the recent Asplund Tree service case where they agreed to pay settle for$95 Million to avoid jail.
The link has some recent stats on enforcement.
Link: https://immigrationview.foxrothschild.com/employment-verification-compliance-including-i-9s-e-verify-and-enforcement/employers-beware-ice-is-ramping-up-i-9-audits-to-record-levels/
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Funny that you take the typical liberal stance: Only enforce against Trump or the GOP. No one is above the law indeed. Let's see if you are really for blind justice or not.
Is no consequences for the employer. Trumpo and his son employ hundreds and nothing. If you and the other duplicit hypocrites want to to curtail or stop immigration then hold the employers accountable. This is not a partisan issue.
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Arrest the John’s. If you want to curtail or prevent illegal or undocumented immigrants bust the employers. If we are not doing that then it is questionable at best if we want the outcomes our rhetoric espouses. Pretty straight forward
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Or whatever you call it. Do you support the rhetoric that makes Latinos sub-human.? Why is this administration and President who seems so against illegal immigration holding employers accountable under the law.? Do you think he would rather have immigration as a decisive issue than solve the problem?
I will put you down as supporting illegal immigration for political purposes
Whether intentional or unintentional.
Many children are not actually related to the traffickers using them to exploit liberal policy to gain entrance into our country.
Some parents are selling their children for the cash to be used as just mentioned.
Sometimes, the children and family are in horrible situations where they are trying to escape a desperate situation.
But in all cases, the children are in a dangerous situation regardless of the parental motivation or ability to protect.
Yes. I support protecting the children first regardless of how the liberal MSM spins it to their political advantage on TV and the internet.
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Or, do you only support family separations for US citizens, but not non-citizens?
Can you give me an example of rhetoric that makes Latinos feel subhuman? I don't know what you are talking about.
You can put me down for opposing illegal immigration. I think we established that you and I agree on that, so why would you try to make it a divisive issue between us?
Some say it never left.
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There are fines. First offense is $250-$2,000 per illegal employee. Second offense $2,000-$5,000 per illegal employee. Third offense is $3,000-$10,000 per illegal employee.
The company in Mississippi that was in the news.
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Like mentioned in another post. Sure don’t here anyone from the Administration talking about it as part of a strategy
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Politics is and has always been about identities. What's narrow sighted is that people of color will not show up for Warren, who is a shriveled up version of Hillary,
Illegal immigration. He actually embraces it t as a wedge issue to divide Americans.
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