Our power grid is on it'd last legs in many parts of the Country with rolling blackout and power outages in California and other States. A significant shift to electric vehicles in many parts of the country would result in more of what we already see in California (rolling blackouts and extended outages) because of a power grid outdated, unsafe and already overstressed. My advice, get yourself a generator for you home or workplace. You're going to need it if the Grid is not upgraded significantly and that will take years. We better hope that the dumbed down public does not follow the recommendation of our Transportation Secretary and others in the administration who have not thought about it's ramifications. This is truly "The Gang that can't shoot straight".
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I work in the industry and haven’t seen generators in many stations.
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Here in Iowa, we had a major storm that took out power for over a week and I had to drive 50 miles for gas for my generator. Pretty sure having backup gens isn't the norm.
If course, the EV isn't going to go 600 miles on a charge like my F-150 on a tank.
hurricane/blizzard on the horizon. evacuation ordered. hordes of ev's hit the highways and cause the ususal bumper-to-bumper gridlock. ev's batteries go dead in masse. no way to plug in. no heat, no air, no electricity, no hope for those trapped on the roads. now they have to ride out the disaster in their cars. good luck with that.
what a wonderful green shit legacy this administration is shoving down your collective throats!!
attempt to stem the tide of EVs coming down the highway, but them's the facts...an EV stuck in a blizzard could last a day or more while providing heat...how long can you run a 30% efficient ICE?
Change is hard...but it's coming...don't fight it.
Here's some more info on "Battery Anxiety"...https://www.mach1services.com/what-to-do-if-electric-car-runs-out-of-battery/
Link: https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-environment-ev/fact-check-electric-cars-not-more-likely-to-get-stuck-in-traffic-jams-idUSL1N2RW0QD
Rolling Blackouts, Brownouts and Outages for all
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