Great day to relax with some weed.
Meanwhile, in spite of overwhelming public support, our federal government continues to block any reasonable reform. Chuck Schumer remains the single greatest obstacle to reform.
In terms of employment, cannabis is the fastest growing industry in the US. In multiple states, cannabis tax revenue already exceeds alcohol tax revenue.
Hey Joe - while we realize you have no idea what day it is, perhaps your handlers can dust off this promise that you have failed to address?
Link: Remember your pledge, Joe?
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It's all love and granola over here. We care about you, Hank.
It's pretty balanced (neither for nor against) and explores these questions.
Also linked is Cato's study on the effects of legalization, people are going to use it, might as well tax it and reduce the black market.
discussed before, I support all the points brought out in Nigel's slide and I appreciate his and no doubt your frustration over Biden's hesitancy to invoke a federal order dealing with the necessary changes...I can only hope that the Democratic Party's 'super majority' of Platform delegates (2020) get their concerns addressed and thus clear the way for Biden to go ahead with his previously stated position.
That being said, I've also voiced my concern for the 'Traffic Safety' issue...the CATO summary IMO glossed over the issue of MJ's effect on drivers (implying only that weed users had fewer fatalities than alcohol users, but not addressing the potential additional reduction in fatalities if standards could be developed for THC levels)...I know from my own experience that while the drug can enhance one's ability to 'Focus', it does so at the expense of 'Peripheral Awareness', which is critical in driving, so for me, I think it's extremely important that those standards be established. a'la 'Blood Alcohol' levels....would like to hear if you have any info on that issue...
btw, although I wholeheartedly support the de-criminalization of cannabis, I don't favor efforts to 'grow' the use of the a practical matter, it will be used, but I'd like to see more effort being exerted on the benefits of 'clear minded' do you feel about that perspective?
Regarding driving, it's a valid concern, though I think Alcohol is worse from an impairment standpoint. Field sobriety and blood tests could be used. But even driving is a partially moot issue since legalization doesn't significantly increase the number of people driving high.
How do you feel about people driving around on prescription painkillers? All forms of impaired driving are problematic, self driving cars can't get here soon enough.
MJ is a wonder drug for some ailments and some people. It's abused by others but not nearly to the degree of alcohol. You can't overdose on it (or it requires an intentionally insane amount put more properly), it isn't chemically addictive (though some get psychologically dependent). Responsible adults should be allowed to partake without fear of arrest or imprisonment.
IMO there is a compelling need for federal funding through the NIH on the many facets of "Medicinal Cannabis" is here to stay, can be very beneficial and needs to be dealt with opposed to the current subjective approaches that lead to unwarranted harm (e.g. the Alabama arrest depicted in the video)... for 'Recreational Use', I have no problem with it other than a concern for what happens when users interact with others in situations where cognitive impairment could cause harm (e.g operating any vehicle)...serious studies need to be undertaken to establish acceptable levels of THC "intoxication".
btw, it was interesting to hear one researcher speak about our bodies' different reactions to cannabis throughout our my 20's I enjoyed a few experiences with MJ, but now I'm just fine with a good book, or streaming series...go figure ;-).
I wouldn't smoke weed with people in their 20s today, maybe even less if I was in my 20s...
What are the long term affects on our people who might be regular users? Have there been any studies? How is driving affected by some stoner behind the wheel with his kids in the car? Has this been studied? What about long term health issues? Has this been studied? How would legalization affect our law enforcement and military? Would it be permitted? How soon can pilots get blowdoed before they get in the cockpit and safely fly? Has anyone asked these questions or like everything in this country, let's do first and ask questions years down the line.
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Or was the impact of Prohibition worse?
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Not to mention a dramatic increase in state tax revenue. Look up how much Colorado schools have benefitted from state cannabis revenue.
We have no idea what the true benefits are, since cannabis is a Schedule 1 drug....right up there with heroine and LSD. It has not been appropriately studied.
It is pure insanity that we continue to have such puritanical views of cannabis.
When's the last time you heard about some dude who got high and beat his wife? How about never? Happens every day with alcohol.
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I didn't weigh in one way or another. If state income is the point of legalization, let's legalize prostitution to fund the schools also. I'm just interested in the long term affect of this proposal. As usual, all that's important is the here and now and no one really has any answers other than a generalization. Anything the left endorses has me suspicious. But, my mind is open and so far, I have seen no convincing.
You asked about the impact to the country, and I gave you several examples of things that would be impacted, all in a very positive way.
And yes, prostitution should absolutely be legalized.
All you gave was your opinions. No studies. The more you push, the more I remain suspicious.
argued that legalization will lead to better regulation, but I am not convinced about this because legalization and taxation also causes prices to rise which in turn fuels the black market. I do believe that there has been an intentional effort to taint the marijuana in our country by the drug cartels.
I would be interested in some 3rd party data on whether your claims on the benefits of marijuana is actually true - may be so, but sounds like a bit of a panacea as presented here (for instance you don't mention down sides like more DUI's, etc)..
Also, even if assuming that it is true (I don't know and have no big horse in this race), it is also true that if you drug your kids with diphenhydramine at bedtime, they sleep better, don't violate any of the household rules, and never fight anymore. See where I am going here?
Marijuana is a vice just like alcohol. It is meant to alter your interaction with the realities of your existence. Do not debate it on the terms of all of it's benefits. The same could be done for drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes, but we know that there are problems associated with it. Debate it in terms of it being no worse than other vices that are allowed.
I look at pot personally as smoking unfiltered cigarettes - if you are consuming it, doing it that way is just stupid, and very, very bad for your health - just as I say about cigarettes even but moreso in general because of the lack of a filter tip.
Somebody needs to tell the tens of thousands of seniors in Florida who are using cannabis every single day as an aid to address their health issues, that it is 'very, very bad' for their health.
Who are you to tell someone what 'vice' they are allowed to partake in? Do you include sugar in that? How about sitting on your ass for hours on end watching TV? Is that a 'vice'?
We need fewer nannies and more libertarians.
be so enraptured with your cause so as to miss the obvious. Your arguments of potential advantages do not negate the fact of it's risks. They are both part of the equation.
Put filters on your doobies and put warning labels on your packages just as tobacco companies do.
It is horrible to smoke, regardless fo whter it's tobacco or marijuana. The seniors you describe do not have to have their delivery system for cannabis to be smoking.
Are you effing serious? Good lord, dude.....
I function quite well, in spite of my periodic cannabis consumption.
Anything substantive that you want to add?
I was just making an observation.
I am moderately in favor of legalization efforts for cannabis. Not an issue I would ever use to eliminate/favor any candidate for office.
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