Captive audience, I suppose. And no doubt it’s beautiful, convenient and great weather. Boiled frogs. Well suited for rich or poor, but not so much middle or working class.
$5.50/gal gas
9.25% sales tax
13+% highest marginal income tax rates
Insane property taxes given housing prices
Not to mention ..
Anti-white UC and Cal State system
Resource constraints
Surveillance state
Increasingly poor schools
> The population has nearly doubled, making access to everything from jobs (commuting) to camp ground reservations significantly more challenging
> CA's GDP has risen from ~$180B to $3.4T (18x increase)
> Housing prices have skyrocketed (see GDP rise)...some homes near the neighborhood we moved into are going for $900K over asking price.
> Total Tax Burden is ~9.7%...but only 1.5% higher than Texas, and 0.4% higher than Iowa (see link below)
IMO, and that of a few others, the availability of affordable housing is the key (do a board search for "Sam Liccardo" for the San Jose Mayor's take on all this)....also, check out the linked article.
There are solutions, but they aren't easy...on the positive side, it's still the most all around beautiful, welcoming and vibrant state in the Union, so there's that...definitely worth keeping.
Bay Area alone needs about 400k housing units. Locals are highly opposed. Not surprising.
also hope you were able to get to know your fellow "Bell".
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I lived in the foothills of the Sierra Nevadas for about ten years. (I worked in a suburb of Sacramento—Folsom, CA. Lived just a few miles east of where Ian Book attended high school.) It was relatively affordable.
Of my friends, many have left the Bay Area and CA entirely. Some moved to the Folsom area and love it. Many have moved to Idaho, Utah and Colorado.
I was in the South Bay this past weekend and was reminded of the weather and natural beauty but the number of people abd cost of everything is shocking.
Had a chance to move back 3 years ago for a job at Apple and glad I didn’t.
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competitive to attend...they loved it...served them well, as both have PhDs now.
ed with some amazing topography and geological wonders. It's damn hot inland, but the first 10 miles east of the coastline are nice. Wine country is spectacular.
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Make it a national park. It will burn down or run out of water sooner than later.
Like NYC, wall it up and let nature do its thing. In 10 or 15 years or so the Normals can go in and reclaim the state.
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San Diego & La Jolla are lovely. The rest of the state is a nightmare. And the beautiful weather thing is a myth. CA has two and hotter. Crowded, crime ridden, traffic, landscape is brown and dying. Horrible place.
Good Mexican food. And I love me some In-N-Out burgers.
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