The list of weird shit that humans can get into is pretty long so the Dems will be able to fund raise off Republican bigotry for quite some time.
Meanwhile, the hunt goes on for the genes that cause all these incredible behaviors.
Don't hold your breath.
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and bully those who are struggling with an atypical condition, so that their lives are not made any more difficult as they seek medical and psychological treatments...not unlike what 'Progressives' did for Downs Syndrome children and adults with the creation of the Special Olympics (i.e. those ultra-liberal 'Kennedys')...I'm proud to be accused of being 'Progressive'.
debilitating condition as Downs Syndrome. Transgenders made their choice, Downs folks didn't. If you pitched this to the wrong person,
there a very good chance you would get yr ass kicked. Best keep this tripe to urself
already posted studies and references that support this, but asking you to educate yourself is a fool's errand.
It's folks like yourself that make this issue so problematic, and why others need to stand up to such bias.
As for the Downs Syndrome's a good one, because it is an excellent example of how a Liberal/Progressive family (the Kennedys) stepped up and actually did something that made a real positive difference in the lives of families with marginalized Special Needs kids...I'm old enough to remember when they were marginalized and suffered the slurs and neglect that used to be thrown around, before people stood up for them. What's the last example of conservatives stepping up to protect and assist a marginalized group in America?...and don't say there never was a need...As for myself, I'm very close to a family at our church that has a DS daughter...she and I are also very good friends...when she was younger, as soon as she saw me come in for Mass, she'd run to sit in my, don't try painting any false pictures.
You have absolutely no leg to stand on with this issue...the GOP can't seem to foment enough hate and divisiveness...and, it's getting worse...
with the many unusual attitudes you have expressed regarding "grooming" on this board. Her running and sitting on yr lap is
a nice touch, btw
(attached) is another copy of the Harvard compiled studies related to sexual dysphoria...i.e. gender identity problems...a lot of work has already gone into this subject, long before most of us became aware of it...the preponderance of the evidence points to differences that have nothing to do with upbringing or life experiences.
beliefs. Pathetic, no wonder nobody wants deal with yr links
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You fan the flames of a bigotry which does not exist or is so small it would never be noticed, so that you can divide people into groups that can despise each other, and nothing motivates voters more than hatred. This is just a political fuel for you.
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Not sure how the goal posts moved. I still stand by my first statement.
Or, do you mean my "You aren't making sense" post before the edit? I didn't see what DeSantis had to do with this, but I decided you thought his opposition to your exploitation was exploitation, which is somewhat nonsensical, but it is obviously wrong, so I made my post more definitive and more clear.
even Bruce Jenner becoming "Caitlyn" Jenner didn't raise that many eyebrows...but recently, with the assistance of social media, a Penn swimmer (March, 2022) has become a lightning rod for conservatives aghast at one person among a small minority of "Atypical" individuals potentially changing sports as we know it, further leading to a "Don't Say Gay" Florida bill (April, 2022) championed by Ron DeSantis...please don't delude yourself into believing that Progressives started this nonsense...all they're doing is truly "Standing Up" for marginalized LGBTQ citizens.
Transgender issues are different from the anti-grooming law, except that they are related in that they involve you exploiting and harming people for political gain...and the GOP trying to help your victims out.
just the kind of language that Baron used back before he ran and hid from any responses...fortunately, another poster also caught him before he could erase/edit his post. As much as I disagree with you and others on many subjects, you'll never find me pulling that sort of nonsense. I can't stop you, but I'll sure challenge you to back it right now...what EVIDENCE counselor do you have that I am anymore of a societal threat than YOU are? need to answer this before we take another step forward.
Your party has crossed a line. I have to tell it like it is. You should not be defending this behavior. It is mean to the people to whom your party would deny treatment...and indeed, make the illness worse. Your political party supports perpetrating evil on individuals for group gains. It is just a fact. That is why I oppose the Left.
I'm a freedom loving guy when it comes to politics. For example, I would oppose government restrictions on consenting homosexual behavior, just for example. Leave the condemnations of consensual behavior to churches, who only try to use persuasion, not force--very different from government. I am not driven to impose my values on others using the power of government (even through the government schools). But, your side wants to do this. And, I draw the line when an entire political party starts treating a mental illness as if it is normal just so they can demonize the people who want to help them because they want to rally their own party members against the people who would help them.
You support a party which is a direct threat to the very individuals (e.g., transgenders) that the party pretends to care about. Your party supports changing science to meet political objectives. Your party supports the grooming of kids to open their minds to adult sexual behaviors at an early age, because you think that the individuals who partake in that sexual activity vote more for you than for the GOP. All of that is a threat to real individuals. When I choose to speak on this issue, I must speak the truth.
In this post, I have criticized your party, not you. You can tell me whether or not you personally identify with those values that harm children and the mentally ill. Your posts indicate that you do, but I will let you speak, since you seem to be taking personal offense.
deal with this again...
Now, as to your comments, paragraph by paragraph...
>I'm still not sure what the "behavior" is that I shouldn't be it the Transgender people's, or others?...please clarify..
>You make constant reference to "Treatment", but don't define it...I will tell you that if it's anything like "Conversion Therapy", then I'll let you in on a is essentially debunked by virtually the entire mental health, it truly has been shown to be VERY HARMFUL...but, I'll let you define what it is you're thinking of.
>I'm hearing you say that you are not at all coercive on such matters, but the Democrats are...I'd like to see an example of how the Dems are coercing anyone. IMO, the Dems are doing their best to fend off those who would marginalize and discriminate against LGBTQ persons (don't deny that isn't happening)...not sure how anyone can spin this as harmful coercion.
>You - and others - keep saying that Dems are acting as though Gender Dysphoria (e.g. "Trans") is totally "Normal"...I'd like to see even one example of this...such conditions are decidedly "Atypical" and are a source of much distress to those who have to deal with such, they need a significant amount of help, both psychologically, as well as medically (i.e. medications and possible surgery)...Dems are 100% invested in making sure that this process is made available to those dealing with does anyone view that as ignoring the problem and simply calling it "Normal"...again, give me even one example of any Dem calling this "Normal"...BUT...what Dems ARE doing is striving to build UNDERSTANDING of Gender Dysphoria...ACCEPTANCE of a process (previously mentioned) for RESOLUTION of the discordant feelings/perceptions being endured by a 'Trans Patient', if you will...and finally, ACCEPTANCE of those who complete their process as NON-DISCRIMINATED members of our society...think Caitlyn Jenner, or Rachel Levine who are successfully getting on with their lives.
>I have no idea what you mean by "changing science"...hopefully, you've seen and read even some of the emerging scientific material I've linked in this Dem is "changing" anything in the scientific world...just following the science that has been going on for decades...btw, the strong takeaway from all of this work is that 'Environment' and 'Upbringing' have almost NOTHING to do with Gender may not like that assessment, but if you're talking "Science", that's where it's at.
>I continually scratch my head when I hear the vague claim of "Grooming" young's a total fallacy...especially when you consider the experiences in so many other countries...if you've been paying attention to my posts you should have had the opportunity to read what's been gong on in the Netherlands, Scandinavia and other EU countries...laws have been in place (e.g. Netherlands) for over 30 years requiring human sexuality instruction in schools...starting in PRE-SCHOOL (4 yrs and up)...they have among the lowest rates of teen pregnancies and STDs, which shows how MATURE those kids grow up to be when it comes to behaving properly in all matters 'Sexual'...btw, we (U.S.) have possibly the WORST results in those areas, so we should be "GROOMING" our kids to be better teens - and adults - through early "Human Sexuality" instruction (e.g. K-3...and onward)...all it takes is learning how those other countries develop their curricula and deliver them.
I'm no doubt giving you a very different perspective on this us both a favor and think about what I'm saying, and perhaps reading some links I've posted....let me know your thoughts...afterward.
P.S. In order to get to your closing question, you need to define what you mean by "values", "behaviors", "treatments"...or lack thereof, that you think Dems are "guilty of" and harm children.
They want them to be accepted as perfectly healthy.
BECAUSE... no one wants to even consider their etiology.
Link: http://...
sexual fantasies that to some degree probably tens, if not hundreds, of millions of Americans indulge in.
You couldn't be more wrong on the "Treatment" aspect...there are a whole 'panoply' of treatments that Transgender people go through, and Progressives are in full support of them, as opposed to others who simply deny the existence of such conditions and don't want to even lift a finger to help, much less empathize.
This coordinated assault on a minority group that isn't any more of a threat to society than cisgender people is wrong on several levels...not the least of which is its use as a political wedge tool.
btw, ~95% of incarcerated sex offenders are heterosexual males, so if you want to make a difference, shift your focus to that cohort.
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where the sexual arousal is in response to objects or stimuli not associated with normal sexual behavior patterns and that may interfere with the establishment of normal sexual relationships.
Who is she to decide what is normal!? She must be a conservative.
There is no slippery slope. That's just stupid. But, they will "evolve" themselves (total misuse of the word, of course) when they feel the need to create a new form of bigotry for political gain, and then they let us know periodically how far the bar has moved.
conditions being marginalized and attacked...that reality is why they (Progressives) rise to defend them as they seek to deal with their challenges.
Not that long ago, Progressives supported Gays and Lesbians against outright the national trend toward outright acceptance is rising past 70% for same sex marriages...that comes with education and experience...not emotion and close-mindedness, such as I'm seeing from too many on this board.
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You could provide assistance to these people, to help them perceive reality correctly, but you focus on the political advantage you can gain from it by attacking the Right. If you helped them, you would lose political power.
This is also how Dems treat urban neighborhoods. You could increase police presence, and save lives, but saving lives would not allow you to fan the flames of racial hatred, so you choose to keep them in "on the government plantation." Democrats take control of cities, and keep people enslaved for political gain and for your own private mansions. The people you are helping always remain with the problems they have when you find them, though.
primarily from "In-Utero" atypical developments...not amenable to purely psychological counseling treatment. Acceptance of such findings is a major stumbling block for those such as yourself in understanding and helping those fellow citizens...solution: read more, learn more.
Meanwhile, Progressives recognize the need for scientifically supported treatments...NO ONE is being used as a political pawn by them...sadly, that scheme is the province of some in the GOP...remember, over 70% (and growing) of the American public supports same sex marriages, yet Florida's governor is pushing a "Don't Say Gay" law...tell me, who's the mindless political hack in all of this?
Your "treatments" are what you want society to do, not what individuals need. Democrats look at what groups need, not what individuals need. You actually would deny treatment to bring people's perceptions into line with reality. This is modern day Lysenkoism or Eugenics. The "science" is dictated by politics. History will not smile upon your sacrificing of science for political gain. Similarly, history will not smile upon you sacrificing the family unit to allow the government to groom children for the types of sexual activity your party supports for political reasons.
reviewed studies under the banner of Harvard University...I haven't yet read them all, but the second link deals with a section of the brain that distinguishes sexuality in males as opposed to females...furthermore, it talks about how a biologically formed male had the brain features of a female...thereby exhibiting gender dysphoria.
Read more...then post.
More and more I see "Projections" of politicization coming from folks like yourself...Dems/Progressives are working to make sure that all sorts of unfairly marginalized people are treated properly...NO ONE on that side of the aisle is "chumming" for votes...unlike a certain 'Ron DeSantis', or 'Donald Trump'...this is why State Senator Mallory McMorrow's speech went viral...right minded people are fed up and standing up.
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