On the Street, I’ll be the good guy with a gun. Isn’t that how it works? New York is now so much safer.
gave the authorities the right to be 100% subjective in who gets to conceal and carry.
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They correctly interpreted the Constitution as it was intended. If you wish to change it and have a large enough group who agree with you, you can amend the Constitution. But that’s a problem for liberals because1) they are a minorIt’s, and 2) they are lazy and would rather misuse the SCOTUS.
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.....Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, and Garland certainly gave the conservative justices on the fence a taste of knowing what it’s like to feel vulnerable.
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while all the time pretending to be some sort of playwright
Read the fucking thread before you post -
You're a real fucking moron.
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In other words - assholeness to the nth degree or as Dorothy has noted, to the 10th degree.
That was one of the great Clarence Thomas’ points.
This will reverberate beyond the 2nd amendment.
what do you think?
Justice Thomas is the least of our Justices and that says a lot when comparing him to Amy C. Barrett - Now that's a dull nickel right there.
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when you're not calling a woman's right to choose her destiny, baby murderers.
How about you finding another way? You can do it, after all, you're a marine.
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With few exceptions, carry permits are for the insecure.
See also:
Guys who smoke cigars
Guys who drive sports cars
Guys who talk about their handicap and "that 8 foot putt in #11"
Guys who film themselves having sex
Guys who track their spouse's whereabouts, emails and texts
Guys who think BLM is a militant group
Guys who talk about their stock portfolio
Link: https://twitter.com/neal_katyal/status/1539988629585543169?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet
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Man up and get yourself a Nerf but I doubt it.
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Big Ass Tittys
u from harming yourself.