"Every sort of once unthinkable attack on the courts is now permissible.
Confidential draft opinions are leaked illegally. A senior senator threatens justices by name at the doors of the Court. The homes of justices are surrounded by heckling protestors. And the very life of a justice is threatened by a would-be assassin close to his home."
"How odd that leftists are destroying the very customs and traditions whose loss will come back to haunt them when the Democrats lose the Congress in November.
Cry-baby tantrums won’t win over the public. These nonstop puerile meltdowns have turned off most Americans who tire of whiny narcissistic hypocrites."
Link: https://amgreatness.com/2022/06/29/the-cry-baby-leftist-mind/
learn about Donald J. Trump, it's my opinion that this increasing body of knowledge provides sufficient substance for "A Case Against Victor Davis Hanson" and his views of "Leftists".
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and then you'd have to remember it. My ears are bleeding thanks to you.
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Does this particular one cut too close for comfort? Were you grateful for the filibuster when Obama was president? How many seconds after a GOP president is matched with a GOP Congress will it take for you folks to pine for the return of the filibuster?
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You’re playing but carry on.
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by everyone. Well, not OAN or Breitbart and the like.