I mean...the ones that don't just leave the country...again. We are going to love those additional pass through costs in addition ot the further inflation.
Also, what will happen to the price of electric cars when they know that everyone is getting a $7,500 handout, and they know that the govt is pushing people into HAVING to buy their product?
But at least the Dems agreed to have Schumer and Pelosi re-evaluate the fossil fuel regulations at some time later this Fall. Lol.
Duh! Duh Duh!
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Increase taxes on corps - reduced jobs and increased costs. But hey, we’ll all work for the gubmt
More money for the IRS so they can shake down people and businesses.
Subsidies for electric cars to inflate prices and subsidize union jobs. Most people don’t want electric.
Anyone who believes in self-determinism and government of the people can’t vote Dem.
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that your trumplicans turned down denying our war vets access to better HC.
The Moscow Mitch's really do suck. You as Republican's should be ashamed.
How about getting a little more passionate about our military vets instead of crying about a corp tax base you have no
connection to.
Let's see how much credibility you have as American's because this R Senate sure has none.
If willfully ignoring reality and kitchen table issues, vote for the Party of No.
And it won't be just the Rich who pay more......
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With pass through, this is merely a different way of taxing Americans - this time in what the consume as part of their cost of living.
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on their resident corporationsi that sell in the U.S.
U.S. based corporations have significant benefits that result from government expenditures...from transportation and communication infrastructure, to skilled workers whose educations are underwritten by government loans, and Intellectual Property protections, to name a few...(see linked article).t...
Corporations need to pay their fair share for those benefits...just like all citizens....a minimum assessment of 15% is far from onerous and every corp should be paying at least 15%...as 135 other countries also agree.
Link: https://www.usa-corporate.com/why-set-up-a-company-in-the-us/?cn-reloaded=1
avoid the nettlesome 'discount shopping' by international corps (see link).
Link: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/11/global-minimum-tax-rate-deal-signed-countries/
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