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This young woman made a foolish and naive mistake with a drug that it is increasingly mainstream in this country.
She also supported the black lives matter movement just like many young black women for arguably reasonable reasons AND due to a ton of oeer pressure.
She is no villain by any stretch and rejoicing in her bad luck only makes conservarives look like unempathic red neck troglodytes,
This only damages the image of conservatism for the general public.
This kind of horrendous lack of impulse control is why that senile idiot is in the White House.
Link: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/conservatives-join-trump-in-siding-with-russia-after-brittney-griner-guilty-verdict/ar-AA10k811?cvid=e0ade9c223ac47c4a6dee00bc32a3185
Holding someone accountable for the decisions is a good thing. Mainstream in our country doesn't mean a thing in a foreign nation, so quit trying to minimize her crime in Russia by comparing it to the U.S. If she were a white male without notoriety we wouldn't even be having this discussion.
Nope. That is a fallacious Strawman argument.
Hope lots of political prisoners get released asap. Hope we get a president strong enough to get them home next time. Hope their release efforts from us are not based on celebrity, color, sexual orientation, or political leanings.
Hope the prisoners who committed no crime get our country’s first attention. Hope those prisoners loyal to our country (R or D) get our first attention. Hope the haters of our country learn and remember the stupidity of their ways as they are now confront the reality of their situation.
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A million dollars a year from the country that now imprisons her. Play stupid game, win stupid prizes. She has no one to blame but herself and if she didn’t play basketball, we would never know she was arrested. Now she expects the country she hates to help her out of the situation she caused? I speak for a bunch of people when I say - fuck her.
And that is the performative art of lefties talking about how bad and discriminatory America is. Everyone who says that is a phony. A fraud. They don't believe it, just as this woman does not believe it, particularly now. Just shut up. You're full of it, you don't mean it, you don't actually believe it. Now cut a deal, bring her home and remind her of this.
She gave the USA the middle finger and now Russia is giving it to her.
Is she really a she? What are its pronouns?
What in the world are you babbling about?
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This gal will learn nothing after her release that is coming soon. She will be surrounded by privileged ingrates who will only fuel this anti-American hate. The irony will buzz right over their collective coconuts.
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Reminds me of the sequentially bigger fish eating eachother (each others debt in this case). :)