Project Description
Summary: We tested the fixity of political preferences of 136 healthy males during the 2011 U.S. presidential election season by administering synthetic testosterone or placebo to participants who had identified the strength of their political affiliation. Before the testosterone treatment, we found that weakly affiliated Democrats had 19% higher basal testosterone than those who identified strongly with the party (p=0.015). When weakly affiliated Democrats received additional testosterone, the strength of their party fell by 12% (p=.01) and they reported 45% warmer feelings towards Republican candidates for president (p < 0.001). Our results demonstrate that testosterone induces a “red shift" among weakly-affiliated Democrats. This effect was associated with improved mood. No effects were found of testosterone administration for strongly affiliated Democrats or strong or weak Republicans. Our findings provide evidence that neuroactive hormones affect political preferences.
Link: Testorone supplementation causes a Red shift
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from the article...
Side Effects of Too Much Testosterone
Testosterone Replacement Therapy has many benefits. Yet, there are also adverse side effects that you and your doctors should look out for.
Mood Changes & Increase in Anger
Increased levels of testosterone can lead to reduced cognition. Men who take too much testosterone are likely to have poorer judgment. They may make rash decisions before thinking their decisions through.
They can also respond to situations more in more aggressive manners. Too much testosterone can lead to aggression and risky behavior. Mood swings are typical when there is too much testosterone in the body.
Mood swings related to high testosterone can range from euphoria to depressive lows. People with high testosterone are more irritable and impatient.
They’re also more likely to snap at others. This is especially the case in people who abuse steroids.
Physical Signs of Too Much Testosterone
It’s also possible for people receiving testosterone therapy to gain weight. Sometimes this happens because the body will convert extra testosterone into estrogen.
Men with higher levels of testosterone are more prone to develop acne, oily skin, and balding. High testosterone levels correlate with high DHT levels.
DHT is another sex hormone that’s responsible for male characteristics. These characteristics include facial hair and a deep voice. When there is too much DHT in the body, acne can develop and a man can lose his hair.
Testicle Shrinkage
The brain will signal for the body to stop producing testosterone when it senses too much of it. When this happens, the testicles shrink in size because it stops producing testosterone. This can also lead to low s alperm count.
Tell your doctor right away if you notice a shrinkage in the size of your testicles. This may be a sign that your testosterone levels are too high.
More is not always better...just thought you should know ;-).
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