It is really, really clear which side of this chaotic division in our country is good, and which is evil.
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Take cover, snowflake.
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I'm thinking Putin is "hugging" the anti-Trumpsters.
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No one said anything about personal faith, by the way. Nice way to defend the Left by initiating a personal attack. You kind of make his point for him.
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I'm sure the boy you are pointing your rifle at in the rest of this picture is quite the threat. And, I'm sure you will go after rosary prayers in the modern day USA. Same type of threat to you. is really sad that people who identify as catholics would not be offended by this attack on the rosary and the Virgin Mary on the eve of the Assumption, and that they would mock a defense of the Church.
They can see that an OpEd attacking Jewish faith practices and suggesting that for instance yamulkas were a symbol of extremism and a signal to others who oppose the rule of law is clearly wrong, but they cannot see the same thing when it involves the very faith they claim to identify with.
All persecution is actually an opportunity for proving faith. I think that it strengthens faith like steel in a hot fire. But we must be unwilling to cede our country to people like this. As I posted to jakers in relation to Chris' comment that this was "just one person" was actually "just one person who was aided by many who published it and gave it a podium to reach millions with the message". It's evil, and people have a right to know about it. That way, when it happens next and they say that they don't know what we are talking about, and that there isn't any pattern, we can point to their hypocrisy, and hopefully sway some on the fence. i wish these liberals defending this were on the fence, but there are others who read here who might be.
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Sadly though, "Catholics-in-name-only" donate to the Church, attend Mass, receive the Sacraments, if it doesn't butt heads with their lefty religion.
against her will?
Let's not discriminate in our prayers.
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You can't even find it in your own heart the acknowledgement of an unborn child. When does life begin?
of her assault?
You are afraid to make a statement when life begins because that just might narrow down the time limit of an abortion procedure. You want to use your assault justification? Great. All abortions are banned except in the case of rape. But what about incest? OK, all abortions are banned except for incest and rape? What about if the woman's life is in danger? Well, there are already provisions for that from long ago. But, OK, all abortions are banned except for incest, rape, and to save the life of the woman. Your worries now have been addressed. Are you now on board? Is the pro- abortion movement now on board? You know and I know what the answer to that is.
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My proposal would save many unborn little ones that your side's stubbornness and brutal attitude towards life would normally murder through abortion......up until birth and beyond. But, you and your side would never agree to that. All we get is mind numbing double talk, You and your side want it all or nothing. Abortion for the "men" is an escape route relieving them possible responsibility of raising a child. Take off the damn pink P hats and grow a pair.
…the views of 80% of Americans, things will be a lot more chill.
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are in no position to judge anyone.
Actually, I will be honest in that I'm not really sure you are Catholic. Are you?
This is, of course, a side issue. Even a atheist can see the evil of the Atlantic piece. But, your answers (which I doubt you will give--please prove me wrong) will help me understand your priorities.
'Inquisition' ;-)...but I will say a few things relevant to this thread...
> Given my many years of Catholic training (Elementary School through College) and experience (e.g. Weekly Mass and often Daily Mass....Retreats and saying the Rosary), I believe that saying the Rosary is a Catholic tradition and not a me, it is an opportunity for prayer and reflection...therefore, any "politicization" of the practice, such has creating images of Rosary beads being strung over AR-15s is a misuse of this tradition, and by no means helpful toward bringing about the peace and love Christ brought to us.
> As for Doctrines themselves, they can, and do, in point...the RCC for a time forbade any marital intercourse that was not intended for procreation...subsequently that changed to allow for the "Unitive Value" of the marriage act...a bit of tortuous theology, but necessary to recognize the reality of any marriage...including Catholic couples...but even in spite of the Church's allowance for "Russian Roulette" NFP, the vast majority of Catholics...even Daily Mass goers...use artificial means...btw, I'd very much like to go deeper into this, if you are willing (bone up on Vatican II, if you are).
> When it comes to the Abortion issue, we necessarily need to talk about national politics as well as RCC doctrine...and that's where the phrase "Prudential Judgement" comes in...I'm sure you've heard me mention it, but I doubt you've actually read anything about it...hope I'm wrong. Our esteemed Cardinal-to-be, Bishop McElroy of San Diego, CA, strongly advocates for this practice when it comes to voting for candidates...for your convenience, it essentially states that one "Intrinsic Evil" cannot always take precedence over all other "Intrinsic Evils" this case, for instance, it would be poor judgement to vote for a candidate who proclaims themself to be anti-abortion, but is known to approve of, and even indulge in, a host of other "Intrinsic Evils", to the severe detriment of let's say hundreds of millions of other people...hopefully you get the picture...if not, I've included his paper on this issue (again).
So, that's it from me...and probably the large majority of Catholics in this it or not.
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exchange of ideas and opinions, at least in my opinion. Personally, I wish you'd share more of the intelligence you obviously have.
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major religions, and Christian Sects, in the world...most of them allow for abortions in cases of rape and incest...also, Judaism believes that "Personhood" begins at birth....and Muslims believe it is at the time of "Quickening", or ~21 weeks.
This country is not the "Catholic" or "Pro-Life" States of is a representative democracy in which between 80 - 90% of the citizens believe Abortion should be legal for at least some cases.
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The Atlantic felt comfortable putting this vile, false crap against "Traditional Catholics" (ie practicing catholics) as the op ed of their publication. They wouldn't feel comfortable doing so against most, if not all other groups.
The Left has shown an amazing intolerance toward expression of free speech around this country. Yet here, they claim it selectively to defend themselves when it works against the most humble and peaceful of groups.
I know you don't agree with this, Chris, and I'm never thought that you would....but consider with whom you are aligned.
All but endorsed.
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It easily spreads to millions. You understand how the internet and news and opinions spread these days. (Haven't you ever wondered how all of the MSM anchors use the exact same phrases?)
I see this as a trial balloon of sorts to the MSM readers such as yourself. I also see it as another signal to those enthralled by their Thought Givers as to how they should view "Traditional Catholics" and their rosaries. I intend to do my best to cause this trial balloon to fail.
I also see this effort by the Atlantic(liberal MSM)to be a way to restrict rosary use among catholics by passing on a negative connotation of this wonderful tool to catholics who don't know their faith very well (probably 90+% of american catholics) so that those who might still discover it are convinced not to be open to it because they have been told that it is "extremism" and "radical".
Things like Garland issuing warnings about rosary use are not out of the question as we have seen with parents and schoolboard meetings and other decisions....but that is still down the road, and i have no intention of letting these people drive this car that far down the road.
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I vividly recall the blatant bigotry when JFK was running. But now it’s the academic and entertainment left who are the biggest rednecks. I’m long fallen away but I prayed the rosary for many years and still respect those who do. This is also class warfare just like back in the day. It’s coastal elites who look down on the deplorables in flyover country.
A small minority of people hold anti-Catholic biases these days - and a lot of it is just Dobbs backlash anyway.
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…the hands of Catholic grandmothers everywhere. the Our Father prayer that he gave to us when he was asked to teach us to pray. His second sentence of the prayer he gave us is quite clear: "THY kingdom come, THY Will be done on earth as it is in heaven".
and resent the presumption that the Church supports theses extremists.
one of the most holy prayer endeavors in the Catholic Church. The Virgin Mary offers her help as an intercessor for the salvation of souls through her blessed son, Jesus, our Lord.
This is part of our faith.
To suggest that it is some sort of secret identifier code is absurd. The authors reasoning is absurd. It is evil.
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The OpEd is evil.
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