It's a Pandora's box that no one dares to open publicly.
academic achievement should have helped them overcome the trauma from their childhood? I still can't fathom the choice of suicide unless it is a choice made because of an inevitable, painful death.
Pills can alleviate symptoms... but do not treat the underlying cause.
Too many people consider it an "attitude" problem,
It's like telling someone with cancer to rub some dirt on it and shake it off.
People are unsympathetic because they say depression itself can't kill you and that suicide is selfish.
Until you lose someone who has battled it in tortured silence you won't fully understand that it is indeed a serious condition.
Big Pharma stands to make a lot of money from depression hysteria.
I pray for those who truly suffer.
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I don't know, it just seems like suicide is never the right choice.
It's a malfunctioning in the brain which tortures the person slowly.
Some who have attempted suicide said they did not want to die, but that they could not overcome the out-of-body dread they felt.
They did not want to harm others.
Be glad you have a functioning brain.
Guess I am lucky.
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