Terrible news on the injury front, now that Price and Diggs are out.
Ruptured Achilles tendon, and he's having surgery today.
He was making some real waves, too.
Link: https://irishsportsdaily.com/s/18176/notre-dame-rb-jadarian-price-suffers-season-ending-injury/1?fbclid=IwAR2PVy9L7WVAZIdFFDRqulWf8Ot3CxVNAcrdy5MFeNi7ocTgjleZK8mgHv0
with Achiles.
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who ruptured their Achilles? I seem to recall they came back fine.
I believe tendons tend to be easier recoveries than ligaments.
I remember how a very promising season in the NBA was ruined because of his ruptured Achilles tendon, but he came back strongly after that.
That was back in the 90's, and surgical techniques have greatly improved over the last 25+ years.
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I'm excited to see what he can do.