The current players would win 60 - 0. I think Ara changed it to a split squad game because he didn't like wasteing a day of actual practice.
one little linebacker to beat, The LBN pushed Arrington away and flattened Wolski. Hewas one of ND's greatest ever linebackers Myron Potios: A first team all american selection his senior year with only 17 tackles. He onlu played in 3/4 of one game and was injured.Those games were great. And they were never 60-0.
recent grads played if I remember correctly. I think George Izo played. He should have been a good QB in pros, never got on the right team. Gugliemi could have been good too.
Guys under 30 who were marginal in the NFL and got cut.
Once eligibility starts, it continues to burn, regardless of whether you play or not. There are exceptions, but playing in the NFL isn't one of them.
But, they could have a case. After all, the eligibility rules do hinder an individual's ability to make a living...just like the amateur rules.
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