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Never. I don't care who they play. They cannot possibly lose enough.
May they never win another game.
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If we are Luke Skywalker then think of USC as Darth Vader.
Yeah USC {Vader} is quite confused on walking the righteous path and has done some very bad things, but deep down in there somewhere, there is still some good in them.
More importantly, while michigan {Palpatine} was literally trying to end ND and everything that we stand for, USC {Vader} gave us life in the form of hope by agreeing to the cross country rivalry (which was far ahead of its time) that helped us become a National Team and not only survive but thrive in the face of michigan {Palpatine} efforts to destroy us.
Add to that, while there is still a sniff of good buried somewhere in USC {Vader}, there is no good to be found anywhere in michigan {Palpatine} and on the contrary they fully embrace their Evil ways and flaunt them in the face of The entire Galaxy.
Then there's LSU {Darth Maul} who are just crazed lunatics that are a combination of pure insanity and evil influence. Yes they are highly talented, but they are also beyond negotiations since you can't determine if there is any good in them, because who knows if they even speak humans talk or not and it appears to be contagious to HCs who move down South to associate with them.
I can't let go of USC as the root of all evil, but your conceptualization is terrific.
just imagine that today is the day Vader threw Palpatine down the vent shaft, and remember Dart Maul killed Qui-Gon Jinn and he don't do talkin' too good.
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