I remember Miami being stacked with talent and no one really giving us chance because we were outplayed in previous matchups. I also see a quote from Jeremiah Smith that he plans to have a field day with us. It just seems like everyone outside of us ND fans expects us to lose.
something like we may not be the better team but we will beat Miami. That game was probably my all-time best ND memory.
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I think this team will be much more rested and ready than we have seen in the rest of the playoffs.
I am very cautiously optimistic and fully recognize that, on paper, OSU is the better team. 14 five stars to our ...what, one?
And while I don't like OSU, the vitriol that we all had for Miami was palpable. It was earned. I absolutely despised everything about them, and still do. May they never win another game.
One thing is the same - I was there in '88 and I will be there on Monday night.
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Watched it in a bar in San Diego, there was the most obnoxious Miami fan of all time there. After the game, he wouldn't shut up - ended up in a big brawl. Won the game and the fight. Ha!!