By the way, you never answered my question: In the great majority of cases, in which a woman is not forced or coerced into a pregnancy, would you ever allow the government to pass any restriction on abortion? Any restriction at all? Or, do you think that all abortions should be legal no matter what?
In response to your post above:
The Church says that intentional, aggressive murder of innocent biological human beings is wrong. You think it is ok, but you can't successfully lie about the Church's position on this.
You said: >Government:...Fetal Personhood is only recognized at the Federal Level when Born.
This is not true. I guess it is your personal opinion, but it is not true.
You said: >Secular Humanism:...Split Opinion (take the time to read what I provided...feel free to add similar "Secular Humanist" sources that guided your thinking in the earlier post)
We can disagree on this, and I will engage you on this, if you first recognize that the Catholic Church opposes abortion. Will you recognize Church Doctrine? If so, let's then discuss the variants of secular humanism, which I think are sufficient enough to justify opposition to things like homicide, stealing, burglary, etc. You don't need to resort to religious edicts to justify US laws which outlaw aggression against innocent human beings. But, to get to this point, please agree that Catholic Doctrine condemns the killing of innocent human beings, regardless of various legal definitions of "personhood" and regardless of age, and regardless of their dependence upon their mother for sustenance. Let's agree on that, and then we can discuss secular views. If you want to have a debate on Catholic viewpoint on this, we will all know that you are disingenuous on this issue.h
You said: >U.S. Polling:...Since Roe v. Wade both Secular and Catholic polls show that 80-90% of Americans say that Abortion should be legal and available under "Certain Conditions". I've posted supporting data more than once. Otherwise, we can disregard polling on a moral issue like this. Just let me know which you prefer.
Do you determine your own personal morality by polling? If so, admit it, and I will take this as an admission that you are not Catholic, and we can discuss this at a purely secular level.