against their will...with 6M women attesting to such attacks during their reproductive lives at any point in time, this is no small you NEED to focus on that set of circumstances...the rest is easily addressed for reasons I've already explained, but ignored by you. Do you accept the ability of such innocent women who have been forced/coerced into pregnancies to have the Option of Abortion?
As to your specific replies...
>The RCC has NEVER taught that a fetus is a defined Person...since it is virtually impossible to know that EVERY conception actually occurred...or will continue to a full term birth (e.g. Miscarriages and Still Births). There are no RCC 'Rites' records certificates issued for any of those circumstances...not even Pastoral condolences insisted upon by the RCC. Consequently this is NOT killing a person. And, again, the example of the RCC Catechism "Just War" allowance means that after a period of "Prudential Judgement" by the Victim...under certain is permissible to end another "Person's" life...innocent or not. So, given that example, it follows that the women mentioned above should have the same Option...under certain circumstances, and after "Prudential Judgement" on their part...of choosing an Abortion of a fetus that the RCC does not categorically recognize as a "Person".
>Legal Personhood...before I posted, I researched the following link. I'm aware of many efforts to challenge this position, but as yet, I'm not aware of any success at the Federal level. If you've got evidence to prove otherwise, please share it.
>Secular Humanist Perspective on Abortion...there you go AGAIN...shifting to 'Religious' arguments, rather than staying with the specific subject..."Secular Humanism". Nonetheless, I gave you an extensive "Humanists" who make a strong case for acceptance of abortion. If you disagree, show me evidence supporting that contention...otherwise, I have to score that one as a LOSS for your side. BTW, I've already shown that the RCC Catechism allows Killing of even innocent Persons, provided certain circumstances are met...and sufficient "Prudential Judgement" (their words) has been employed...Time for YOU to accept this documented fact.
>Polling...I use the documented results...from 1975...showing overwhelming favor for legal abortion as substantiation of...and agreement for my position. Think of this as an application of the "Law of Large Numbers"...all those people...over such a long period of time...are much more likely to have the right stance than you and the other 10%ers. Therefore, the onus is on you to bend toward that perspective. You can't possibly claim that ALL of those people are incapable of making a sound moral/legal judgement and be on the wrong side.
Once we get the bedrock circumstances of women forced or coerced into pregnancy having the option of abortion settled, we can move onto to those situations where the woman's pregnancy was not "Un-Wanted"...but based on previous experiences I have to insist that you focus on the "Forced/Coerced" section.
Let me also say that I really appreciate you expending the effort to dialogue...albeit with too liberal a use of the term "lying". I'm honestly doing my best to share a perspective that I believe in...for the SOLE purpose of arriving at the TRUTH...nothing more.