My question, for the third time: In the great majority of cases, in which a woman is not forced or coerced into a pregnancy, would you ever allow the government to pass any restriction on abortion? Any restriction at all? Or, do you think that all abortions should be legal no matter what?
As to your comments, I've already stated I am talking about all human beings, not just those you choose to recognize legally for convenience of getting votes for your party. Biology trumps your legal fictions. Nazis tried to label groups of human beings as non-persons so that they could legally kill them; why do you seek to follow in their footsteps? "Personhood" has nothing to do with this issue, because whether you recognize a human being as a person or not, they are still a human being.
And, please stop misrepresenting the Catholic position. I suppose you are doing that so that I will recognize that you are being disingenuous, and therefore stop talking to you. But, others see through your tactic of misrepresenting Church teaching. I've already posted quotes from the Catholic Catechism that refute what you say, but you just ignore them, as you have ignored my question above. The Catechism is very clear on this, and no one who seeks to maintain their credibility would argue that the Catholic Church allows abortion. There are legitimate ways to argue for abortion. Why don't you choose one of them, rather than choosing to misrepresent Catholic Doctrine?