or coerced into a pregnancy should have the option of choosing abortion to end those pregnancies...it only requires a "Yes, or No" response, with an explanation, if you so choose. You have yet to do it...just using the deflection of asking your own.
b) Your question is based on the false assertion that Fetal Abortions are examples of Homicide...I've shown you why that's not true with documentation from the Catholic Church...your 'Secular Humanists'...and Federal Law...so, there's no need for an "Answer" to a Non-Sequitur.
you need to change your perspective
Nonetheless, I'll continue to try an help you understand why your perspective is wrong...let's break down the facts of "life" in such cases as forced pregnancies...
>It all starts with the sperm and egg...neither of those biological entities is a "Person"...I'm sure you agree with that.
>In intercourse the two elements fuse, and the PROCESS of becoming a Human Being STARTS...but there is no Human Being formed yet...even Pope Francis and the RCC Magisterium admit that it is "Debated"...so too do the Secular Humanists...so too do many, if not most Jews...and certainly the U.S. Federal Government agrees. of course not...but it is a necessary part of the Process.
>Should the union of sperm and egg proceed to implantation in the woman's womb (no sure thing as many childless couples know all too well), we still don't have a Human Being formed yet...
>As the process of forming a Human Being proceeds, much more growth is required before what is now a fetus has developed enough to function as a Human Being...often termed as "Viability", or the ability to live outside the womb. Unless you are interjecting so sort of "Magic" here, at no point prior has there been a verifiable HUMAN BEING produced...So there could not be a Homicide if the process were stopped.
Now, let's go back to the very beginning of a forced/coerced pregnancy...
>The sperm was introduced by a Violent Act that the woman never wanted...and every ethical/moral issue begins with "Intent"...in this case, the woman did not intend to bear a Human Being...and since the PROCESS hasn't proceeded to the point of creating a Human Being, she can use "Prudential Judgement" (as in "Just Wars") to determine that the potential harm would be unbearable for her future life, she has the option of ending that PROCESS, prior to "Viability". It's her body, and certainly not yours, or any Government's.
Speaking of "Government"...let's be clear that our legal system involves "Due Process", which definitely takes time and a great deal of money to reach judgments. For the issue of whether or not an Abortion would be justified, the clock is ticking until Viability...a matter of ~23-24 weeks...and in no way is it enough time to complete that Due Process, so the only rational judgement is to leave the decision for/against an abortion to the woman. Let me remind you that ~90% of Americans support legal abortion.
One more time...a Fetus is NOT a Human Being...it is a series of steps in the development...and in too many cases, an Un-wanted development...so Fetal Abortion is NOT HOMICIDE.
Finally, the VAST MAJORITY of people...me included...cherish the arrival of new life...but not at the price of physical and mental harm to women who never asked for such outcomes. I'm at a complete loss as to why you can't/wont see this.