It is the government's role to punish aggressors who harm innocent human beings. The government should never become an aggressor against innocent human beings. We can assist victims in many ways, but never in a way which creates more victims.
Here is a question for you: In the great majority of cases, in which a woman is not forced or coerced into a pregnancy, would you ever allow the government to pass any restriction on abortion? Any restriction at all? Or, do you think that all abortions should be legal no matter what?
Clearly, your pretense is that a Fetus is a Human Being...I've proven to you that's not true...not according to the RCC, Other Religions, Secular Humanists, or the U.S. Government, so there is no basis for your question about government restrictions. As for 'Post Viability' situations, Roe v Wade addressed that already, and I've said many times that I support that ruling...which already answered your question on that score.
Note: In my other post I explain that a Human Being is the culmination of a PROCESS of development...and if that process was started by an unwanted outside force, then that Process is Illegitimate in the eyes of every society/religion, thus allowing it to be HALTED, by the victimized WOMAN/PERSON...if she so chooses.
You need to accept that every authority you reference has already determined that a Fetus is NOT a Human Being...and I've been trying hard to help you comprehend why. The sooner you come to your senses, the better off you'll be...and be in a state of mind that allows you to join with the 90% of U.S. citizens who truly want to see a continual reduction in the number of abortions. NONE of us is 'Cheering' for MORE abortions...we're fighting for all the female babies that have been...and will be...born.