seen everywhere at that time. Executed? I doubt about it unless the tank man is a mob, participating murdering soldiers. I personally knew a guy who is captain of bus fleet of another school. he blocked a 1+ mile long military vehicle with his bus on 5/19 during first attempt to take over Tiananmen Square by military (tank man's blocking was on 2nd military 2nd attempt on 6/3 or 6/4 morning). He was jailed for 6 months for that crime. I made acquaintance with a few students of his school during protest days. They told me on 5/19 noon that they would have buses afternoon to go to Tiananmen Square and invited me to come to take the bus. Our schools are in suburb, close to each other. The public transportation was paralyzed in many places of town and we all were tired of walking long distance to Tiananmen Square. This guy is our bus driver that afternoon. After he dropped us, he drove back to school. On his way back to school military operation to take over Tiananmen square started. He cross parked his bus to block military vehicle and let people enter the bus so that the military vehicle wouldn't run over his bus. One week after 6/4 he was arrested. he was released before Chinese new year. Considering his 6-month jail time for basically same guilty like tank man, blocking military operation, I doubt they executed tank man.